
Implementation and Rectification in Dynamics Navision Using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central for Shipping & Logistics Industry

A well-established shipping and logistics company, operating for two decades with a fleet of 22 vessels, faced challenges with closing their accounts due to discrepancies in their MS Dynamics Navision system. They sought an advanced system audit to identify and rectify underlying issues affecting Trial Balance, Accounts Receivables, and Payables.

NGenious proposed a solution which entails:

  • Conducting a thorough system audit
  • Uncovering incorrectly mapped entries, transactions, and postings
  • Identifying incorrect codes and rules
  • Implementing corrective measures to rectify entries

Through this solution, NGenious:

  • Enabled the client to finally close their books of accounts after two years
  • Laid the foundation for ongoing checks to prevent similar issues in the future

The comprehensive audit and corrective measures provided by NGenious addressed the root causes of the discrepancies, allowing the shipping and logistics company to overcome their challenges and streamline their accounting processes.

Want to learn more about how this shipping and logistics company resolved their accounting discrepancies? Download the full case study now!